Martínez Somalo was founded in 1901 by Don José Martínez Campo. Don José was part of a large family and several siblings were dedicated to the manufacturing and sale of meat products. At that time products derived from the pork raw material and Don José would trade them in his hometown and closest villages. The processing plant was called “La Gloria Riojana”.
La Gloria Riojana was at that time a small manufacturing plant located in Baños de Río Tobía (La Rioja), where the company is located at the moment.
The own characteristics of the Baños de Río Tobía village, at 600 meters above sea level, located in the valley of the river Najerilla and surrounded by mountains, allowed cold winters, hot summers and springs and mild autumns, which created the perfect microclimate that would favor the elaboration and drying of pork derived products.